Nokia is a market leader in mobile devices and with leadership comes great responsibility. Nokia aims to be a leading company in environmental performance. Our vision is a world where everyone being connected can contribute to sustainable development. We want to shape our industry and drive best practices.
Everyone has a need to communicate and share. We at Nokia create human technology for you to feel close to what really matters. Nokia’s vision is of a world where everyone can be connected. This is why we truly believe in the power of people. With close to one billion people using our devices everyday, we believe we are in a unique position to help bring people closer together to make a difference. We know that mobile technology and mobile services can greatly help people live more sustainable life. Our aim is to develop new software tools and service applications that connect people to their environment. We’re building tools to help you take care of the environment – from charger reminders to mobile learning applications, from navigation info to recycling tips. These services are for everyone and by working together we can achieve much more.
Naturegate is an example of a service that will provide us and our consumers a great opportunity to explore and learn about nature and species. With the service our customers will get high quality nature images as well as mobile access to the Naturegate service.
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Birdlife, Helcom, Helsingin Yliopisto,, Nokia, Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö, Suomen Vapaa-ajankalastajien keskusjärjestö, Suomen Ympäristökeskus, Tdwg, Ulkoasiainministeriö, Visit Finland, Ålandsbanken,