

LuontoPortti osallistuu Biodiversity Information Standards -projektiin. Alla projektin englanninkielinen kuvaus.

Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) was known as the Taxonomic Database Working Group. It is a not for profit scientific and educational association that is affiliated with the International Union of Biological Sciences.

TDWG was formed to establish international collaboration among biological database projects. TDWG promoted the wider and more effective dissemination of information about the World’s heritage of biological organisms for the benefit of the world at large. Biodiversity Information Standards now focuses on the development of standards for the exchange of biological/biodiversity data.


Birdlife, Helcom, Helsingin Yliopisto, Ilmasto-opas.fi, Nokia, Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö, Suomen Vapaa-ajankalastajien keskusjärjestö, Suomen Ympäristökeskus, Tdwg, Ulkoasiainministeriö, Visit Finland, Ålandsbanken,